Dyna-Mike's Blog

Home Up Calendar




06/26/11: Wow! Has it really been a year and a half since I was on this website? I guess my band has been keeping me pretty busy...but our 1st CD just came out, and it's doing okay. Now I'm involved in a rock project as well, so details when they become public are forthcoming.

The Beast is in the shop AGAIN! Every season that bike breaks down and I never have any cash to repair it. I'm so sick and tired of being broke all the time. All I want to do is ride and forget my troubles, and I can't even do that.

I'm shutting down this website. with Facebook, it's redundant. so there won't be any more entries. Catch me on Facebook if you want to get up to date.


01/01/10: The New Year rang in with the genesis of my new band NEON WATSON & THE FLUORESCENTS, a blues/rock band (some country in there too) in Turlock Ca. I am bloody jazzed to be back in the music scene at this level, with a great band too. Keep checking back for updates. Working on a MySpace presence; I can't figure that site out to save my soul... 


10/20/09: The National Council of English Teachers National Gallery of Writing published my short story, "Snapshot" today. The link on their website takes the reader to this website. http://galleryofwriting.org/writing/157232 .


09/18/09: Last month I did some upgrades to the "Beast" and made it about six blocks on the test drive before the tranny blew. Just got 'er back today, and it sure feels nice to be back in the saddle! Hoping to hook up with Jus Brothers San Jose Chapter tomorrow for their run, because ole' Steve Kamikaze and I haven't run into each other for quite a while. It'll be good to see the Blue & Grey again.

Won tickets to Crosby, Stills, & Nash at the Ironstone vineyards tomorrow night. Man, these guys go all the way back to Woodstock! Can't wait to see them live.

Hey, don't forget that tomorrow, September 19th, is NATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY! You know what you have to do! 

See ya' in the wind!


08/05/09: Well, how about that! Went up to Tahoe/Reno for some camping action this weekend with Rockin' Robin & SuperMike. Now, pretty much everybody jokes about how my Harley is always breaking down on road trips, but this time it was mostly the '87 LeadWing that gave us problems.

Yeh, the Harley stripped it's running lights brackets and that got us off to a late start in near 100-degree weather, but soon we were under way. Did I forget to mention SuperMike was towing a trailer behind his LeadWing? Anyway, right about Placerville we discover two primary towing supports on the Wing were not even attached! That set us back a while with a rear end teardown, jury-rigged repair, and reassembly.

By the time we got to Tahoe we were in no mood to pitch camp, so we checked in to the Horizon Hotel. What a shithole! Never go there. The door looked like it had been kicked in, there was trash in the room, the mattresses were ancient and lumpy; nobody got any real sleep, and there was blood in the bathroom.

Went all the way to Reno and checked in to the Nugget (finally a nice place with good service). Stayed and lost a couple hunskies, and as we got ready to leave Sunday, we discovered SuperMike's LeadWing was missing a massive hunk of tread off his new Metzler rear tire! Had to stay another day to find a tire, and then the whole teardown and reassembly operation on the Wing rear end repeated. Oh, yes; in the hot afternoon sun, of course.

Made it close to home when me and Shortcake got a call on the cell phone. Apparently her kid got pissed about a video game and CALLED THE COPS ON HIS COUSIN! Glad to be back home (?).



6/28/09: Had a GREAT ride with Little Ricky G, Super Mike, Rockin' Robin, Tiny Tammy, and Shortcake a couple of weeks ago. We started out in Turlock, picked up a couple of riders in Manteca, got a couple more in Tracy, then headed to the Bay Area via Niles Canyon. That has always been a sweet road. From there we made a beeline down 880 South to Los Gatos at the base of the Santa Cruz mountains. We cut over to Saratoga, and then rode Highway 9 all the way to Boulder Creek. We stopped and had a few cold ones at the Boulder Creek Brewing Company, where the beer is tasty and cold and the customers are laid back mountain folk.

From Boulder Creek we made our way to the coast through the remaining dozen or so miles of twisties on Highway 9, and laid out at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, where they had a free concert on the beach stage. Not too shabby... the womenfolk were wearing next to nothing, and the menfolk were out there trying to impress them. Just a great day in the sun.

As the temperatures began to drop, we moved on out from the beach toward Half Moon Bay and had dinner at the Flying Fish Grill. This place seats like 28 people tops (with an outdoor overflow area), but the food is phenomenal. I had a scrumptious jambalaya, Shortcake had a crab sandwich. This stop if a must if you're heading up or down Highway 1.

The sun was setting, so it was off to San Francisco to the Lion Pub where we enjoyed fresh crushed and squeezed cocktails (some of the best in the state) with complimentary gourmet cheese and crackers. If you go here, keep your eyes on the addresses or you'll miss it. It's mostly a Pacific Heights neighborhood bar, but well worth the stop.

After drinks, it was over the Bay Bridge through the quieter dark of midnight with the steel girders flanking us on both sides as we crossed the water. The yellow bridge lighting on the lower eastbound level makes for a surreal feel when combined with the oscillating engine sounds intermittently bouncing off the girders; it's almost like you're traveling through space....or could it have been the mojitos? Have to think about that one.

We left at 8am and got home at 2pm, completely exhausted and satisfied. For the first time in my life I procrastinated unloading the bike until the next day. I was out before I hit the pillow.

Talk about a ride! Later on in the week Little Ricky G said when he finally ate it he wanted that to be his memorial ride. We all decided he needed to hang out a bit longer and make more memories!

See ya' in the wind! Dyna-Mike out!


05/08/09: I have been so busy with work I really haven't kept up with this website. I'm not sure how many folks are still reading it, but it's paid for, so, what the heck.

After a layoff scare I received another contract for the 2009-2010 school year, so that is a huge relief. It's good to have a job. Times are tough when that's all it takes to constitute a "good day at work."

I'm moving into an older, bigger house at the beginning of June 2009, so watch for the Housewarming Party announcement...it's be coming up real soon. Plenty of room for some quality entertaining at the next place.


02/14/09: It's been a long time, nearly seven months. I've been busy teaching 9th grade English at Turlock High School in Turlock CA. It looks like they may have to lay me off as the new hire, because of the State budget crisis in California, and the habitual raiding of educational funds whenever the state needs cash due to mismanagement. At my age, I really don't know how I'll bounce back if the worst happens; I'm competing against seasoned teachers with many years experience. This economy is going straight to hell.

We have a new President, but I thing too many people are placing too much hope on one man. The President doesn't run the country, he handles appointments, foreign affairs, and the military. Congress runs the country, and all they do is stop the "other side" from getting anything done...EVER.

But every day's a new day. We'll run with that thought.....


07/21/08: My book The Gifts of Eden is three chapters from completion. This work started in February of 2002, so it's been a long time coming. I have begun shopping around for a publisher, a daunting task to be sure. If I fail to sign on with any traditional publishing houses, I will most likely self-publish and hope word of mouth boosts circulation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now.

My new job at Turlock High School as a ninth-grade English Language Arts teacher is coming up fast! I'm quite excited about this new endeavor, and I hope to inspire young writers, as I was once inspired myself.


06/16/08: My daughter Melissa is getting married this Saturday June 21st 2008. Her intended, Jonathan, is a hard-working and respectful young man who treats my daughter with care and love. I will be performing the wedding myself. This will be the high point of my summer!


06/15/08: As of Monday June 16th 2008 same-sex weddings are legal in California. As a licensed Deist minister in the State of California, I am able to perform these weddings anywhere in the state, and yes, I do intend to perform them. 

For those of you that have a problem with same-sex marriages, I have only this to say: It is hard enough to find someone to love for a lifetime in the first place. If someone wants to solemnize his or her relationship with a public and official tradition and ceremony, I think that's great, regardless of the circumstances. And in case you're wondering, no, I am not gay, and my mate is female. I am just not hung up on people's romantic or sexual preferences.

It seems to me that we have bigger fish to fry than worrying about who loves whom. Myself, I'm preoccupied with the Middle East Wars, a sinking economy, a suffocating environment, and drugs, alcohol and violence in the schools and neighborhoods. I'm too busy trying to live my own life to worry about what my neighbor might be doing with his or her significant other.

And for those who consider non-heterosexual activity an evil thing, let me remind you of a couple of facts:

  1. Nearly every heterosexual in America has at least occasionally committed what was once considered a crime and an abhorrence to society, such as oral sex or anal sex. Yes, there was a time when these activities and propensities landed you in jail, even if you were married to the other person.
  2. Statistically 10% of the population is homosexual or bisexual. So the next time you're with nine friends, look around the room. If it's nobody else, then surprise: It might just be you!

Folks, the "main thing" is to keep the "main thing" the "main thing." What is the "main thing?" To live and let live. It's that simple. Don't be so concerned about how others live their lives if they're not harming you; rather, focus on living the kind of life that makes your existence worthwhile and significant. Remember, tomorrow is not promised to any of us.


05/18/08: I finally was hired on at Turlock High School, teaching college prep freshman English. I'm really looking forward to working with these fine folks. You know, in these times of reputed layoffs as much as 20,000 teachers right here in CA, I'm pretty darn fortunate to find a job at all, let alone in the same town I live in. Looks like I'm here to stay!


03/24/08: I just have to say this. With the recent harassment the Feds and local "gang task force" agencies have been putting Central CA motorcycle clubs and even their mechanics through, I just want to address my fraternity bros and students who are going into law enforcement. DON'T LET YOUR POSITION OF AUTHORITY BECOME TAINTED BY  TURNING CORRUPT & POWER-DRUNK! 


02/23/08: Saturday March 1st will be my domestic partner Valerie's Birthday Party, combined with my daughter Melissa's Birthday Party at my Turlock townhouse. Drop on by and pay your respects; I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

I've been looking for teaching jobs in the local area but not much is coming up just yet. the CA budget shortfalls and resultant education cutbacks are killing the school districts, so new positions are getting harder to find.

Me and some buds are heading up to Reno in May to catch RUSH in concert. Those guys kick butt! We're taking a limo from the hotel to the show and back so we can stay stress-free the whole night long. This will be great. Too bad they don't let us take photos there, they would look great on my pics pages.

Looking forward to warmer weather so I can get back out on the "Beast" again and get some wind in my face.


01/21/08: The weather has been pretty chilly, and my age is starting to show. The "beast" has been pretty much in the garage waiting for some springtime weather. Lots of schoolwork and teaching, not much else going on.

Daughter Melissa getting married this June. Guess I'd better start preparing for that! Y'all stay cool!


12/09/07: The holiday season is in full swing, and I hope everyone is having a good time. My bike is back in the shop for some corrections & improvements, so I' haven't been in the saddle all that much lately.

Student teaching is going well. I should be a full-time employee by the end of next Spring 2998. That's about 16 weeks and counting! Maybe I can start paying down some of those student loans then!

This website is winding down, because when I start teaching full-time I won't be able to maintain a website, but the basics regarding family friends and hobbies will remain intact as far as I know.


10/21/07: Winter is closing in, the clocks are rolled back, and the heavy leathers are out. There are lots of charity runs coming up; Y'all let me know if you want to roll with me to some of them.

For those of you "in the know," I recently had a very brief stint as a hangaround with a local club which didn't quite pan out. Much respect to the men for giving me a shot, and I'm sorry it didn't work out. Maybe I'll just stick to riding independent and teaching my classes for a while. 'Nuff said 'bout that. 

10/21/07: Been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. My student teaching at Turlock Junior High school is going well. I student teach three classes per day, then I have college classes from 4pm to 7 or 8 Monday thru Wednesday. I have homework the rest of the week, and riding on the weekends. Wow. It's all good, I'm living la vida loca! 


08/30/07: The hawg is rebuilt and will be reassembled next week @ Road Dogs in Denair. While they had it apart I had them go through the whole thing and update gaskets, brakes, etc. throughout the bike. It will be virtually brand new when I get it back!

I took the precaution of adding a Harley-Davidson OEM cooling fan designed to protect the engine from future overheating scenarios. 

This solution is better than an oil cooler because at a zero MPH idle, an oil cooler does not function; it requires wind to remove the displaced heat from the engine just like the rest of the engine. An oil cooler will assist with lowering oil temperature when the vehicle is in motion, but the cooling fins on the heads are already designed to do that. Plus, an oil cooler needs a bypass/shutoff valve or the bike runs like shit in cold weather due to excess cooling.

Conversely, the cooling fan cools the oil in the engine top end whenever it starts getting too hot. It provides the cooling wind the lack of motion at a standstill is depriving the engine of, around 140 - 160 cubic feet per minute! It's activated & deactivated by an automatic thermostat. You have to relocate the horn to install it because the fan covers 60% of the left side of both heads. 

If I had this device sooner, my engine would not have melted down in Yosemite as described below.  This will really come in handy in Nevada where cutting the whiteline during traffic jams  is illegal. We've all gotten stuck in downtown Carson City on the way to Street Vibrations, or at the left turn into Hollister where the traffic backs up for five miles at a standstill. Don't let a meltdown like mine happen to you!

There are lots of aftermarket cooling fans out there. I bought the OEM unit because it clearly covers much more of the engine, and because it was specifically designed by Harley-Davidson for my year, make, and model motorcycle. To learn more, here is some data:


Dyna Fan Kit

Now available for FXD models, this fan kit keeps your V-Twin cool during parade duty or when you're stuck in city traffic. The fan reduces oil temperature by over 20 degrees (measured at the tank). Designed for use on FXDP Police vehicle, this fan will last for the long haul. 

Black - Fits '96-later Dyna models. 

Chrome - Fits ’96-later Dyna models. 



By the way, you can order this device at any Harley-Davidson shop. If you have a Victory or other air cooled machine, you can go online and find a generic unit.


08/05/07: The Harley is dead and in the shop due to an arrogant and untrained Yosemite Valley Ranger who refused to let me shut it down and push it in order to prevent overheating during a four-hour traffic jam on Memorial Day 2007. During the encounter with the Ranger I was detained for twenty minutes, I had a complete DOJ background check run on me, and I was threatened with confiscation of my motorcycle. Afterward, somebody asked why I was into the "biker" lifestyle, and I responded with the following explanation. It talks about bikers versus motorcycling enthusiasts. Hope you enjoy it:

"Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being just a motorcycle enthusiast; most of my friends fall into this category. I love riding with them because they get out so seldom they’re thrilled when they finally do. Their enthusiasm is uplifting. A motorcyclist loves to ride, but a large part of their life doesn’t revolve around riding and hanging with those that ride. Biker lifestyle is different; it’s not for everyone, in fact, it’s not for very many at all. Being a biker isn’t a hobby, it’s a way of life. It’s a fierce passion for riding and freedom in all aspects of life. It’s being yourself no matter what anyone else thinks about it. It’s about standing up for what you believe in, regardless of the consequences. It’s about knowing the odds are against you and going your own way despite that fact. It’s about being regarded by society at times as undesirable and smiling at the ignorance thereof. It’s about not backing down in matters of principle. It’s about understanding that not all laws are good ones, and believing one can love their country and mistrust their government at the same time. It’s about being a stand-up man whose loyalty is always beyond question or dispute. It’s a mindset rather than a hobby; a way of life rather than a pastime. I can’t tell you exactly when I crossed the line because it wasn’t a decision, it was more of an evolution or progression, and I wouldn’t change it for anything."


06/22/07: Graduated June 2nd with my BA in English, and have already started Credentialing Programs classes for the summer. Was planning on doing a lot of riding, but looks like the money isn't there for that, so will focus on school and getting back to work as soon as possible after credentialing.

Samantha is having her 14th birthday pool party/BBQ here on June 30th at 1pm, y'all come!

Keep checking the Calendar for upcoming events & rides.


05/23/07: I can't believe it's finally here! I just this minute finished the final paper for my Senior year. I'm done with college! (Until Summer Semester starts in two weeks.) I'm graduating with my BA in English unless I seriously bombed one of my finals, which I doubt. Next semester, Graduate school in the Credentialing Program. After that, TESOL (Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages) certification for one semester. then I start teaching 7th grade English, Speech, and Composition. Yes, folks, I'm an educated biker. I'm here to prove that you CAN have it all... a fun life, an education, friends from all walks of life from ministers to bikers to teachers to musicians...and still do everything well. Life is short. I never say "What if?" I always say "Why Not!" That's what I want on my Tombstone (that and a little pepperoni...).


05/03/07: The semester (my last before my B.A. in English) has been brutal. Sorry I haven't been updating things. My son was burned in an industrial accident and the family was responding to that for a few weeks, but it looks like he's going to be all right now. My graduation ceremony is at CSUStanislaus in Turlock CA at 8am for anybody interested in coming. There will be a party at my condo across the street immediately afterwards. Everyone is invited.

I'll be taking the summer off before I start the graduate credentialing program at CSUS, so now is the time to catch up on some riding and jamming! Gimmie a call if you want to hit the road or play some music!


03/26/07: The Theta Chi Fraternity Eta Tau Chapter's April 1 2007 All-Sorority Serenade is coming up. Theta Chi Brothers needing MP3's & lyrics can get them here. Also, the Theta Chi Fraternity Eta Tau Chapter (CSU Stanislaus) website has been shut down. We are now using the MySpace service, since that seems to be the direction everybody's going in these days. Here is the link.

Went to a breakfast event at Dick's Place in Crows Landing Sunday   March 25th. Everybody was there! I'm really glad to see all the clubs showin' the love for each other at these events in the Central Valley. 

Also, the Seekers MC Meadows Depot run will be on Sunday April 1st as well. Bring nice things for the children at Meadows Depot. This is a heartwarming event for sure every year.


03/11/07: I have been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kickin' contest since school began! It has been really intense. I'm planning on taking the summer off to chill and get some riding time in. Today my son Sean and daughter Melissa are having their combined Birthday Party at my Turlock townhouse, and I'm looking forward to a great time. Yesterday a local biker club had their 6th annual bash at Mountain House, just west of Tracy CA. Man, there had to have been at least 20 biker clubs there. It was great to see my friends from Jus Brothers, some of whom knew of me before I even met them! Another thrill was seeing the missing members from the former Loose Nuts MC back at Mountain House with their new friends. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. Bunch of good guys, and I'm really proud of them all. I'd be really surprised if this run didn't make it into the Thunder Press. If not, well, their loss. 


02/05/07: The Winter '07 semester has ended and I got another "A". I'm on vacation for another week and then back to school for my final semester. Not much else going on. I hope the weather gets warmer soon because the Harley-Davidson is looking ready to ride these days! My Son Sean will be 18 and my daughter Melissa will be 24 next month, so I'm having a combined Birthday Party for them both on Sunday March 11th from noon until 5pm. If you want to come out, you're welcome! This will be a good time to meet the rest of the family and friends.


12/28/06: Two months since I updated this site. I've been pretty busy with school and the holidays. Anyway, if you haven't seen the new movie "BeerFest", you should rent it. It's horrible, but if you drink a few beers and then watch it, it's pretty fun. I added a clip of a fantastic belch, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


10/31/06: The Theta Chi Fall 2006 Sorority Serenade was a ton of fun! We serenaded ALL the sororities on campus, honored Ms. Leah Knipe as the Fall 2006 "Dream Girl of Theta Chi," sang, "Happy Birthday" to Stephanie, gave long-stemmed red carnations (our fraternity flower) to the Dream Girl, the Birthday Girl, and the Sorority Chapter Presidents, had a professional photographer do a photo shoot, and passed out Hershey's Kisses so all the girls could get a "kiss" from Theta Chi! The singing was certainly not professional, but everybody had lots of fun! Check out the video here: Link to Sorority Serenade Fall 2006.


10/23/06: This is the funniest MP3 I've heard lately. Check it out!


10/21/06: Theta Chi Fraternity will be Serenading ALL the sororities of CSUStanislaus on Sunday night October 29th at 8pm. MP3's & lyrics available here. Yes, we are truly the 'Gentlemen Sweethearts' on campus!


09/23/06: School has been keeping me awfully busy, but I'm making time to ride up to Reno for the Street Vibrations biker festival. I've also listed some upcoming events I'll plan on attending in my Calendar, be sure to check it out. The Theta Chi Fraternity Ride The Ox Party Fundraiser was a smashing success! Let me know if you want to ride together to any of these events. Got a chance to visit my Mother Pamela, Step-Father Lynn, Brother Tim, Brother John, and John's wife Maria over the last few weeks. It's great to have a family! I won't be posting much this semester, because they're not much going on other than school and an occasional ride. See ya in the wind!


09/07/06: School started yesterday, and man, am I underwater! I won't be posting much for the next several months, until the winter break, because I've begun my Senior year, and am moving into postgraduate courses as well. Between philanthropy, community service, and academic activities, I won't have much time to spare, nor will much interesting be happening. But stay tuned, because you never know!


08/22/06: Motorcycle somewhat repaired, and boy, have I been riding! Went to the Santa Cruz Beach-Boardwalk for my little brother's belated birthday celebration with the whole family. Pics here. A great time was had by all! tomorrow Mom, Step-Dad (Lynn), and little brother Tim are coming to visit me for a couple of days, so I'm pretty jazzed about that. More to come!


07/31/06: I met my recently discovered brother John yesterday and we went riding motorcycles all over the Santa Cruz mountains with my friends from Central CA. What a great time we had! I met my new sister-in-law Maria, and had a wonderful day of sun, friendship, and getting acquainted. Next Sunday august 6th 2006, I get to meet the rest of my family! Really looking forward to that!
07/28/06: The DNA matches! I have officially found my family! We'll be getting together in august 2006. More to follow!


07/26/06: Sent in my DNA test for confirmation of my biological family's connection to me. I should know within 10 days for sure. I'm on pins and needles! Also, DON'T FORGET PEOPLE, this weekend is my half-century birthday celebration, and everybody's invited! Here's the schedule of events...
Friday July 28th 2006: Movies, pizza, beer, then off to the clubs in Modesto to party!
Saturday July 29th 2006: Pool/BBQ/Open Stage Microphone party; noon to 8pm. Child appropriate; bring your lawn chairs, sunscreen, swimsuits, kids, and celebrate with us all!
Sunday July 30th 2006: Motorcycle ride to the coast, or other sweet destination!
During the three-day birthday celebration, I'll be filming interviews with my entire family so I can present the completed movie to my biological family when we meet in August 2006. I'd like as many friends as possible to participate in this as well, to give a global view of who I am, and what I'm about.


07/21/06: I've added a WebPage with photos of me from age 8 to present. Click here to see the photos. It's interesting how little has changed in all this time. Also found a pic of my first wife Joyce Dempsey and put it at the bottom of my family photos page. 


07/15/06: Just received photos of my biological family from sister Amber!  Click here to see their photos.


07/14/06: This just keeps getting better. Apparently birth records originally created in hospitals are assigned a unique number. When an adoption takes place, a new birth certificate is created with the adopted parent's information in place of the biological parent's data. But the unique number remains the exact same as the original. If one compares the original against the adopted certificate and the numbers match, it is the same person. My original number was compared against my adopted certificate on July 13th, and they matched. I have, in fact, found my biological family after almost 50 years! Whoa! What a rush!


07/11/06: On July 28 1956, a young girl gave birth to a boy in Santa Clara County. On his birth certificate, her maiden name "Oggeson" was given. The father's name was listed as "Osborne," although he was not available at the time for absolute confirmation. The child was whisked away for adoption under the name, "Baby Boy Osborne." Due to a paperwork glitch, Baby Boy Osborne bounced from the Children's Home Society orphanage in San Jose CA to various foster homes. Prior to his 3rd birthday, Baby Boy Osborne was adopted by Max & Theresa Watson of Santa Clara CA, and given the name Michael Watson. Shortly afterwards, the Watson's adopted a girl, and named her Rozanne Watson. The children were raised Catholic, and attended parochial schools. His entire life, Michael wondered about his biological family, and what had become of them. Due to the nature of a closed adoption, a cruel and tyrannical system that is rarely used in modern times, all his searches ended inconclusively. After years of searching, Michael gave up trying to find his family. Michael Watson joined the military in 1974. Rozanne moved out in 1978. Max divorced Theresa in 1979. Rozanne and Michael were estranged in the 1990's for a still unknown reason. Max died in 2004. Theresa severed all contact with Michael in a dispute over some property formerly belonging to Max in 2005. Michael was alone again, with no idea who his real family was, where he came from, or what his origin was. In July 2006, on a fluke, Michael signed up on a lost person's website. Within 24 hours, four separate volunteers had located Miss Oggeson and two of her daughters. Michael phoned the daughters, and it seemed that he had found his long-lost family. Pending DNA confirmation, a fifty-year chapter in the lives of these people has been resolved. The wound of a lifetime in Michael's life may now begin to heal. Only so many boys were born on July 28th 1956 in Santa Clara County hospital. Of those, only so many were given up for adoption. Of those, only one was Baby Boy Osborne. To anyone reading this, rejoice with me. For the first time in my life, I have the hope of being reunited with my lost family. Of all my many and varied adventures over 50 years, this has been the most remarkable.


07/11/06: What a day! Most folks know I was adopted just before my 3rd birthday after living in foster homes and an orphanage for over two years, and that I have been searching for my biological family for decades. I came close a few times, but nothing ever panned out upon further investigation. Well, today the tide turned. Several "Search Angels", volunteers who help adopted families locate their biological families, discovered what appears to be my mother, older sister, and younger sister! You could have knocked me over with a feather! After speaking to whom I believe to be my older sister, we are both pretty sure we have a match. Too many facts are aligned for this to be a coincidence. So we are going to have DNA testing done for absolute confirmation. It seems Providence has smiled upon me once again, as the dream of a lifetime, and my greatest wound, are about to be resolved. My grandson was adopted, and my daughter spoke to me prior to the decision. I advised her to go with an open adoption, so the child could locate his parents if he wanted to later on. She took this advice, and I am happy to say I know his adopted parents, and they are wonderful, loving people. As for me, I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll be 50 years old in two weeks! Stay tuned for details!


07/08/06: Rather quiet the past week. My health has been a bit negative, since my arthritis and myalgic encephalomylitis, also known as Chronic Fatigue and Immunosystem Disorder Syndrome (CFIDS) has been acting up, resulting in extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and a general feeling of malaise. This happens sometimes when the weather gets over 90 degrees. With any luck I'll be back up to par within a few days. The flare-ups can last a few weeks at a time, but its been a while since that happened. So, all quiet on the western front!


07/02/06: Attended the Hollister Un-Rally yesterday, suffered mild heat exhaustion, and am still trying to get over that. Quite a few of the police there were 1960's-style complete asshole pigs, pulling over bikes and towing them for tags, modified exhaust, and other petty bullshit like that. They were just throwing a tantrum for the city refusing to pay up the $350,000 the police demanded for protection for the event, which was cancelled because of that ridiculous demand. So the police had a stick up their ass all day, and it was obvious. The bikers responded by showing up anyway and having a freakin' great time. One well-known outlaw biker club showed up stone cold sober and then started acting drunk whenever the cops were near, trying to provoke the cops into an unfounded drunk in public arrest. A couple of members of the most famous outlaw biker club showed up and observed the legal speed limit, while wearing legal DOT approved helmets, idling past all the cops, laughing the whole time. Those cops got so pissed they were fuming! They were just itching for trouble, but we weren't giving it to them. It was hysterical! We'll be back in even bigger force next year, you can bet your life, and the cops won't get a penny then either!      Separate item: Everybody's been asking why I left Christianity and became a Deist, and what the heck is a Deist anyway? So I added a Webpage explaining all that. Here is the link God, Religion, and Why I Converted to Deism.


06/19/06: Last Weekend was fun. Valerie, Kevin, and me rode up to Lake Tahoe for a couple of days. The weather was fantastic, and the scenery was off the hook! I put a couple of pics on the Motorcycle Page. Had to cancel my activities for the immediate future, wound up having emergency minor surgery Friday June 16 & again on Monday June 19, with more invasive surgery upcoming within a week or so. What a royal pain in the ass! Had to miss a local MC run, what a bummer! Hope to be back in the saddle soon. Started summer classes at CSUStanislaus last Monday, so I'll be pretty busy for awhile trying to catch up.


06/08/06: Just got back from a two-day ride through Yosemite National Park. The waterfalls were as full as I've ever seen them, and the rivers were near overflowing. What a great way to spend a summer afternoon!


06/01/06: Last final tonight, pretty frazzled, I'll be glad when this semester is done. Palm Pilot fried & I had to get another one, really couldn't afford it, but had to have it. Going motorcycling next week, two trips. 2 days up the N. CA coast, and 2 days in Tahoe. Really looking forward to that. Summer school in 10 days, then back to the old grindstone. Just updated my calendar, and got rid of the upper graphics; too much work to maintain. The older format I've returned to should be easier to follow.


05/21/06: Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society CSUStanislaus Chapter Alpha Mu Xi Induction Ceremony on Saturday May 20th was cool. I brought home another certificate to decorate my wall & resume! Went to the 80's Invasion Concert in Stockton. Naked Eyes kicked ass! Flock of Seagulls, well, I didn't fall asleep while they played. Missing Persons were totally missing! The guitarist was awesome. The lead singer was on some kind of drugs, or stone deaf, or drunk, or something. She was so freakin' bad we walked out halfway through the first set. I feel soiled. I don't even want a refund, I want the hour of my life I wasted enduring her drug / alcohol-crazed screeching back! Off, damned stain!


05/19/06: Finals Week approaches at CSUStanislaus. I am drowning. Looking forward to some ridin' in June so I can clear my head before I start my high intensity Spanish classes. Checking out the 80's concert in Stockton tonite. that should be a nice pressure relief!


04/30/06: Today, Theta Chi Fraternity, Eta Tau Chapter elected me Marshall for Fall 2006. This is indeed a great honor & responsibility. I will be responsible for the education and initiation of the Fall 2006 New Member class. Much respect to my Fraternity Brothers for their trust.


04/29/06: The Medieval Maidens MC had their 2nd annual Panty Run today, kind of like a poker run, except the playing cards are hidden behind panties on a pegboard. Pretty much every motorcycle club was in attendance, and the whole day was a gas! If you have to limit your activities to one run a year, this might be one to seriously consider. Club president "Little Princess" came from the Devil Dolls MC out of San Francisco, and started her own club later on. the Medieval Maidens MC has grown to be one of the major players in the motorcycling community within a couple of short years. You go, girls!


04/21/06: Attended my first Modified Motorcycle Association meeting in the Turlock area since I moved here. A bro from the Turlock Chapter of a local biker club hooked me up with the biker scene down this way, so I met dozens of good people at Dick's Place, where they hold the monthly get-togethers every third Friday. MMA is an association of bikers representing pretty much all the biker clubs in the area, who lobby for political change favoring bikers and biker rights. It's all about personal freedom and preventing the whole "Big Brother" syndrome from getting any worse than it is right now. It doesn't matter if you're a liberal or a conservative, protecting your personal freedoms is what it's all about. ONE MORE THING... I just published an article on my Motorcycle Page titled, "What is a Biker?", and added a link to another article on joining a motorcycle club. Check 'em out. Pretty interesting stuff!


04/17/06: Easter Party 2006 at biker bro' Ed Phillip's house was a gas. A few of us hung out in the garage and had a blues/rock jam session. Sounded a little painful at first, but once everybody got warmed up we did pretty good. Check out the pics!


04/15/06: Yeah! Great to hook up with the clubs today! Check out the pics!


04/14/06: Spring Break is finally here! Saturday going to hang out with some bros, haven't seen those guys for days because of school and moving and all that rot. Watch for pics in the Motorcycling Photos section. Had a BLAST with the Greeks at College Night with the Modesto "Nuts" baseball game. Check out the pics here. Happy Easter, everybody!


04/09/06: Spring Retreat for Theta Chi Fraternity, Eta Tau Chapter was a BLAST! Pictures here. Now, back to the real world.


04/05/06: HEY! Due to popular demand, I just published the first ten chapters or so of my new novel in process, "The Gifts of Eden." Check it out!
04/05/06: Greek Week BBQ photos are up on a new link! Just go to "Lots More Info!" then go to "CSU Stanislaus Greek Week BBQ, April 5 2006" and you can copy whatever you want for your organization. Or, you can just click on the links in this paragraph...duh!


04/03/06: Theta Chi Spring Retreat this weekend. Hopefully I can stay caught up with my schoolwork and still stay on top of my social activities. Made the Dean's Lisa again, and won a $250 scholarship. Gave the money to the John Tooma Scholarship fund in honor of a dead Fraternity brother. 


03/20/06: My new Theta Chi "Little Bro' was assigned last night. Will W. I'm looking forward to showin' him the ropes. I know he'll be someone who is down for anything fun or good. Getting tired of all the rain lately. Can't wait for ridin' season! 


03/14/06: Moved in completely to the Turlock townhouse. Wouldn't you know it, the day before the ol' lady gets laid off! Can you believe that? Now she's scrambling for a job before we run flat out of money. So if anybody has got a job for a secretary, administrative assistant, business software applications specialist or (she's pretty cute) a cocktail waitress, by golly, get ahold of me ASAP! School is burying me; I'm so busy I pass myself coming home as I'm leaving! Still looking for a home for Cody and Jenna, my dogs. Ask me & I'll show you the pics...


02/24/06: Gotta love the bros! My pups have found homes (probably), and I'm delighted to know they'll be in the same town I'm moving to! Husky/Shepherd/Wolf/Samoyed mix...great guard, alarm, and companion dogs. It's all coming together for me. Just laid out several hundred dollars for deposits for utilities, and all that other stuff I forgot about that comes with getting a new house. If I have any money to live on it'll be a miracle, but at least I'll be right across the street from campus! Man, I can't wait until this move is over.


02/17/06: Got the word today, I've been approved for the townhouse across the street from school! Pretty excited about moving closer in to where it's all happening for me! Happy happy, joy joy!


02/13/06: School starting tomorrow, and I'm trippin' a bit. I hope I didn't load up with too many units. I suppose I'll find out soon enough. Moving to Turlock to be closer to school & bros around the first of March 2006. Really looking forward to being within walking distance of campus.


01/30/06: School starting next week & I'm getting nervous... $400 for books so far and I still need more! Guess I'll be busy for awhile...


01/30/06: Much improvement in the lower back lately, but still need the cane to get around at times. Last week of Winter '06 Semester at CSU Stanislaus. Hoping for a strong finish. Took the "Beast" (1996 Harley-Davidson) out for a spin yesterday. It had been in storage since Thanksgiving, and I couldn't get it started at first, until I realized I had the gas petcock off! Thinks went smoothly after that. Visited my father's gravesite in Santa Nella National Cemetery. It was nice, 60 degrees all the way there and back. Giving serious thought to moving to Turlock so I can be closer to school, but money, as always, is an issue. More on that later. Just uploaded my cover tunes to the "Music" page on this WebSite! Prior I only had my original numbers. 


01/11/06: Back is feeling a bit better. Have been taking it easy for the most part. 16-year-old son Sean might come to visit today. Studying for tomorrow's American Music course I'm taking. Slow and easy today.


01/09/06: Aach! Threw my back out again spring cleaning! You'd think I'd know better by now what my physical limitations are, but apparently I need these periodic reminders. So now I have to see the doctor, get medicated, and ride out the muscle spasms for the next two weeks, while hopefully learning my lesson. I really believe I prefer a groin injury to a back injury.... of course, I'm unwilling to put that to the test any time soon. My Winter class is grueling; lots of memorization, so I'd better get down to it now.


01/06/05: Spring cleaning today at Valerie's house. What a backbreaker. Eight years of accumulation doesn't go away quickly. Her mother came down to help. Looks like this will take a while. Started Winter Semester at CSUStanislaus Stockton facility. Four hours class per week, mondo homework, like 20 hours per week at times. Each week equals three weeks of a regular-time semester. Made the Dean's List for Honor Roll achievement last semester. Let's see if I can continue the tradition. the Harley is getting pretty lonely lately. It's been too cold to ride with my arthritis acting up. That's about it for today.


01/05/06: Well, everybody's asking why I don't have a blog yet. The answer is because I'm either much too busy, or because there's nothing going on. I'm currently attending college year-round-full-time, so you'll notice the Calendar listings have dwindled down to nearly nothing. So, I'll try to drop a line here now and again. Gotta run, because class is starting soon. M.




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